Monday, January 22, 2007


70 & 90 inches

what we did was we knew that 5 multiplyed by 2x5 equaled the number 10 and the other numbers were the same way. She would be 70 & 90 inches .

by: M.K. & Eaton


We multiplyed by5 & worked on all.14x5=65 & 16x5=80.

Alicia R.

70, and 80

While you were reading the problem you should have firgured out that it was month x 5=heighth. So you would do 14 x 5=70 inches so when she is 14 months she should be 70 inches tall. When she is 16 months she should be 80 inches tall



Sydney and Caitlin

70 and 80

We found out that how ever many months she was that times 5 = how many inches she is.So then we did 14 times 5 = 70.After that we did 16times 5 =80.

:)*Maya& Jessie:)*

Friday, January 19, 2007

70, 80, times 5

we looked at the first one and saw it was times five. we looked at the second one and found it was same as the first.The first one with a quation mark was 70 and the second was 80 in the hieght.

Josh & Misty


the anser is 70 @ 80 to the first problem.First we did 14 x5=70 then 15x5=80.
